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What to do and see in Ostuni

Apulia is a Region that can surprise visitors at every corner. Its small villages and hamlets by the sea define the beauty of the region, but a peculiar and fascinating site is Ostuni. Known as white city, Ostuni attracts many tourists every year thanks to its cultural and natural heritage. It is in the Province of Brindisi, a little hamlet castled on the Murge hill, surrounded by olive trees that highlight more the white of the village. This characteristic of the white buildings and streets dates back to the Middle Ages period. The inhabitants of that period used indeed lime to make the village brighter and more simple to find.. lime was used also for another reason: it is a natural disinfectant and Ostuni inhabitants covered their houses with it to stop plague diffusion.

What to see in Ostuni

When in Ostuni, the first thing to do is a smooth stroll in the historic center and get lost in the numerous small alleys of the hamlet. Even though the village is small, an attentive look to every little detail will make the stroll even more enjoyable. One of the main streets – Via Cattedrale – leads to the upper zone of Ostuni. After having crossed the Arco Scoppa, which links two palaces Palazzo Vescovile and Palazzo del Seminario you find piazza della Cattedrale. This building, realized in the XV century, is in Gothic style with the typical wheel of the centrale façade, dressed up by 24 spokes that make it one of the biggest in the world. Running down towards the lower part of the hamlet, you reach the defensive Mura Aragonesi, whose visit is worth because they are one of the most ancient historical evidences. They were indeed built to protect the city from the enemies. Something to see in Ostuni is Piazza della Libertà, surrounded by many historical buildings like the churches of San Francesco and Spirito Santo, the Palazzo San Francesco, previously a convent and nowadays the siege of the municipality, and the Guglia Sant’Oronzo, a peak which is a meeting place for locals.

What to do in Ostuni

Among the activities to do in Ostuni, discovering nature is certainly a central one. You do not have to miss the park of the coastal dunes Parco Dune Costiere, which extends for about 8 kilometers and contains different typical Apulian landscapes. Many different flora and fauna specimens and it is possible to traverse various paths which include stops in ancient large farms to taste local products of their own production.

Talking about Ostuni means nonetheless thinking about its marina, 17 kilometers long, which offers breath-taking places, among which:

  • Lido Morelli, a place declared Riserva Regionale Naturale because of its uncontaminated nature;
  • Torre Pozzella, a section of coast with rocks perched over the sea alternated to sand where natural pools form;
  • Torre GuacetoWWFNatural Reserve ideal for those who love snorkeling thanks to the crystal clear waters;
  • Rosa Marina, well known for nightlife and entertainments organized by beach resorts.